Upgrade Your Energy IMMEDIATELY, No Matter How Tired You Are, Without Coffee, Energy Drinks, or More Sleep.
SUPERCHARGE YOUR SUMMER at Elements Natural Medicine!  
Come to Columbus GA's premier natural medicine clinic for the area's only ACTIVATED B12 ENERGY INJECTIONS.  
Boost your mental clarity, increase your energy, improve your endurance, shorten your exercise recovery, and much much more!
while supplies last
 Get up to 50% OFF the best ACTIVATED B12 Energy Injections in Columbus.
Our ACTIVATED B12 Energy Injections deliver a potent dose of the critical vitamins your body needs to power through the day. Take advantage of this one time offer to experience 
the smooth energy elevation that ONLY comes from the right type of ACTIVATED B12.
We want you to enjoy your summer, so we have put together a 
SPECIAL OFFER that is only available right here, right now!
2 Energy Injections for $24
(a $48 value) 
10 Energy Injections for $90 
(a $240 value) 
    STILL NOT SURE?  CHECK OUT OUR 2 INJECTION GUARANTEE:  If you don't feel a difference after getting 2 injections within 1 week, then we will cancel your order and  give you a 100% refund. 
TOP 4 MYTHS about Vitamin B12 Injections

MYTH #1: All B12 is created equal.

Nothing could be further from the truth.  

Most B12 injections use a synthetic B12 in the form of CyanoCobalamin.  This  has to be "turned on" before it can used by your mitochondria to make energy.  This activation process takes your precious energy, and releases cyanide into your body.   

We ONLY use bioidentical, ACTIVE forms of B12, so you can use it immediately, without harmful byproducts.

MYTH #2: I can just take a B-vitamin supplement.

It's not enough to swallow your B12; you also have to absorb it.  74% of Americans are living with digestive discomfort and dysfunction.  Even with high dose supplementation, it can be impossible to restore optimal B12 levels if your digestive system is challenged. 

With our Activated B12 Energy Injection, 100% of the B12  goes into your body.    

MYTH #3: B12 makes you jittery, then you crash.

B12 is a natural energizer, and supercharges your innate energy production and metabolism.  B12 gives you a smooth energy increase, without the crash that you can expect with energy drinks and coffee. 

Most people feel the energy boost from B12 injections for a few days, not just a few hours.  

MYTH #4: I will get too much B12.

Research shown that  40% of Americans have insufficient B12 levels, and 9% are clinically deficient. You are more likely to need B12 than to have too much.  However,  if you do get more B12 than you need,  it will be safely washed out through your kidneys. 

Excess B12 is easily cleared from your body.

(706) 507-0407      ELEMENTS NATURAL MEDICINE    www.elementsnatmed.com
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